Programming paradigms

Programming language

A programming language is a kind of language which programmers use to develop software programs. Programming language is used to command anything to do by PC. But the most of modern programming languages are similar to English that mean human friendly languages. Computer cannot understand human languages. It can only understand machine language which 0 and 1. In that case most of programming codes need to be translated into machine language. There are language translators to translate codes.

In the present we can see there are many programming languages in programming. And also there will be more programming languages in future. A programming language is divided into two elements: call syntax and semantics. Syntax is the grammar of the programming language or we can say the structure of the language. There are rules for the programming languages. We need do code according to those rules. If we coded apart from those rules syntax errors will appear. Semantics means the meaning of a sentence of the programming language. And we can say that validation of a sentence. in the beginning programmers need to know about those things. The first computer programmer was a woman. Her name is Ada Lovelace. After that many programming languages were created by many peoples, organizations. These are some of them
·         Java
·         SQL
·         C#
·         Python
·         PHP

Programming Paradigms

Basically we create programs to solve problems. In the real world if a problem occurred there are many ways to solve that particular problem. And also we are choosing the best and easiest way to solve that problem. Programming is also like that. There are many ways to create a program to solve a problem. In programming there is a fundamental style call paradigms. This is the building structure and elements of a program. Some of programming paradigms are
·         Procedural
·         Object Oriented
·         Event-Driven
We can use those paradigms to build up a program. There are different structures in those programming paradigms. Sometimes we may use multiple paradigm approaches to create a program. Because we may have to create a program to solve more than one problem. There are many programming languages supports different type of paradigms and also some languages support many programming paradigms.

          Procedural paradigm

Procedural language is a computer language type and it is the step by step programming method. We can say that this is the sequence method of programming. We know there are programming data, functions, variables and more things in programming language. And also they must be stored in some place to execute the program. In procedural language type the data and functions are stored in separate memory location.

The design of procedural programming is Top-Down design.  Top down design mean starting to solve the problem or building the program from the beginning. And then breaking the problem into sub parts. After that solving the problem.

          Advantages of procedural language

  •          Easy to write codes
  •          Need less memory
  •          Ease of implementation
  •          Re usable the same code at another place without copying

Disadvantages of procedural language

  •         All codes in one program. So complicated
  •         Less security
  •         Hard to create new data types

Procedural languages
  •          Pascal
  •          Fortran
  •          Basic
  •          C       

Object oriented paradigm

Object-oriented is a programming type which we use to build programs. it is constructed around objects. And also there are classes in object oriented programming type. In this method converts data into objects. That mean data fields. and describes object contents by the declaration of classes.

This is an easy way to code rather than large amount of sequence codes. Why I am saying like that is in this type we create classes to many objects. For an example in java we code in each classes as functions. And in main file we need to create a copy of that we need to use at that time. We can call that as blueprint. After that we can access to properties of that particular class file.   And also there is an another important feature in OOP programming. If a bug appear in program that coded in sequence type, it can be harm for whole software and it is hard to find the error also, but in OOP there data is separated. If  a bug occur  in OOP it is easy to find and correct it. There are characteristic in OOP like, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.


          Advantages of OOP language

  • ·         Codes are re-usable
  • ·         Data can be stored permanently
  • ·         Easy maintains

Disadvantages of OOP language

  • ·         Not suitable for all problems
  • ·         Slower than other programs
  • ·         More memory needed 

Object-oriented languages

  • ·         Java
  • ·         Python
  • ·         Ruby
  • ·         C++
  • ·         Objective-C


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