Network protocols

Network Protocols

Before we discuss about protocols of networking environment if we look about real world, we know there are many rules in our country , why there are rules all over the country because to make the country similar for all. And also there is a standard for important products all over the world. Because if we get an example as a router, routers are made by many companies all over the world. If a company made a router by their own and another company made a router by their standard. That will be a huge problem because we can’t communicate with each other because different people use different standards. In that case there are rules, protocols to products all over the world
When we come to networking environment network is the way that people use to communicate with each other. In that case standards, protocols are most important to networking. If there are no protocols in networking the communication cannot be done. For an example if we get 2 switches, those two switches need to have same functions. And also if we using internet connection all users must be agree to rules. The rules are called protocols. In that case there are many protocols available.

Ethernet protocol

Ethernet is a protocol that we can see in both physical and data link layer. And also it is the most widely installed LAN technology. Ethernet is in the standard of IEEE 802.3, and Ethernet was developed by Xerox in the year of 1970. Ethernet protocol explains how networked devices format data for transmission to other network devices on the same network segment. There are two units of transmission in Ethernet call packet and frame.            

Basically we can see many Ethernet systems. The most installed Ethernet system is 100 Base-T systems. It provides up to 100 Mbps transmission speed. Gigabit Ethernet provides up to 1000 Mbps transmission speed and 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10 GbE) provides up to 10 Gbps of transmission speed. Technically 100 Base-T system is most used in end-user PC’s and Gigabit Ethernet is used for server. Because as server need high speed network connection.

TCP/IP protocol suit


This protocol is not a single protocol. We can say this is a suit of related protocols TCP/IP protocol stack is a series of protocol layers for networks and systems that enables communications between different types of devices. This protocol suit is based on 4 layer networking model.          

When we discuss about TCP/IP suit, mainly we need to concentrate about following protocols.  

 Internet Protocol (IP) – IP is the main networking protocol. And also this is a protocol of network layer who delivers packets for networking devices. There are two types of IP call IPV4 and IPV6. The IP address is mostly use in router to route the ways and to reach the destination.

 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - This is a protocol of transport layer. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol which provides a reliable end to end connection. If a data packet is sent to another device TCP make sure that all the packets are delivered. And also if a packet dropped TCP will send it again.

 User datagram protocol (UDP) – UDP also in transport layer and its connectionless and unreliable protocol. UDP is faster than TCP because when a packet send to another device UDP will not check whether all packets are delivered or not. But the data packets maybe RIP it means not delivered all packets or maybe delivered successfully.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)


This is a protocol which allows file sharing between hosts. FTP uses the TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer. And also FTP works with client-server architecture. Basically FTP is most used to download a file from a server or to upload a file to a server.        

We said that from FTP we can transfer files between two computers. How this process happen is the user’s PC need to connect to the internet and it called as local host. The other PC called remote host. And that pc also need to connected to the internet and most important point is both PC’s must use FTP software to transfer files. After that the local host will connect to remote host’s IP address and user would to enter an username or password. After that the PC’s are allowed to transfer files. The FTP maybe GUI if not there are FTP commands to transfer files.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)        

Hypertext transfer protocol is very familiar for internet users. because when we type a web URL we need to type HTTP at the beginning or it will auto place. Basically HTTP is a protocol used by the World Wide Web (WWW).  And also this protocol controls how the messages are formatted and transmitted.

The web process of the HTTP is when we enter a URL in our browser, it sends an command to the web server to request the page that we entered the URL. In that case we can say HTTP as a request and response protocol. Anyway hypertext transfer protocol is helping for stabilize the users and web pages and also HTTP doing more operations.

Comparison Of OSI Model And Protocols

The OSI model and protocols aren’t having big differences. There are similarities between those two. The open system interconnection (OSI) model helps to the communication. To complete this process there are 7 layers.

Protocols are combined with the OSI model because there are protocols in some layers. In that case to complete the data communication protocols also need same as OSI layers. When transferring a packet layer by layer, protocols are helping to stabilize the transfer of packets. For example we know the IP is helping to find the destination and also TCP is helping to transfer packets from one to another. In that case the protocols and OSI layers working together to create a perfect transmission between PC’s

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